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[59] Intermediate-mass stars and the origin of the gas-giant planet-metallicity correlation 2024, Accepted in A&A. Maldonado, J.; Mirouh, G.M.; Mendigutía. I.; Montesinos, B.; Grajera-Más, J.L. et al.


[58] A Multi-wavelength, Multi-epoch Monitoring Campaign of Accretion Variability in T Tauri Stars from the ODYSSEUS Survey. I. HST FUV and NUV Spectra 2024, ApJ, 970, 118. Wendeborn, J.; Espaillat, C.C.; Lopez, S.; Thanathibodee, T.; Robinson, C.E. et al.


[57] North-PHASE: Studying Periodicity, Hot Spots, Accretion Stability and Early Evolution in young stars in the northern hemisphere 2024, MNRAS, 532, 2108. Sicilia-Aguilar, A.; Kahar, R.S.; Pelayo-Baldárrago, M.E.; Roccatagliata, V.; Froebrich, D. et al.


[56] The AstraLux-TESS high-spatial resolution imaging survey. Search for stellar companions of 215 planet candidates from TESS 2024, A&A, 686, A232. Lillo-Box, J.; Morales-Calderón, M.; Barrado, D.; Balsalobre-Ruza, O.; Castro-González, A. et al.


[55] Gas, not dust: Migration of TESS/Gaia hot Jupiters possibly halted by the magnetospheres of protoplanetary disks 2024, A&A, 686, L1. Mendigutía, I.; Lillo-Box, J.; Vioque, M.; Maldonado, J.; Montesinos, B. et al.


[54] Clustering properties of intermediate and high-mass Young Stellar Objects 2023, AJ, 166, 183. Vioque, M.; Cavieres, M.; Pantaleoni González, M.; Ribas, Á.; Oudmaijer, R.D. et al.


​​[53] Relation between metallicities and spectral energy distributions of Herbig Ae/Be stars. A potential link with planet formation 2023, A&A, 671, A140. Guzmán-Díaz, J.; Montesinos, B.; Mendigutía, I.; Kama, M.; Meeus, G. et al. 


[52] Searching for Hα emitting sources in the gaps of five transitional disks. SPHERE/ZIMPOL high-contrast imaging 2022, A&A, 668, A138. Huélamo, N.; Chauvin, G.; Mendigutía, I.; Whelan, E.; Alcalá, J. M. et al. 


[51] Towards a comprehensive view of accretion, inner disks, and extinction in classical T Tauri stars: an ODYSSEUS study of the Orion OB1b association 2022, AJ, 164, 201. Pittman, C.V.; Espaillat, C.C.; Robinson, C.E.; Thanathibodee, T.; Calvet, N. et al.


[50] Gaia EDR3 comparative study of protoplanetary disk fractions in young stellar clusters 2022, A&A, 664, A66. Mendigutía, I.; Solano, E.; Vioque, M.; Nuñez-Balaguer, L.; Ribas, A. et al.


[49] Identification and spectroscopic characterization of 128 new Herbig stars 2022, ApJ, 930, 39. Vioque, M.; Oudmaijer, R.D. ; Wichittanakom, C. ; Mendigutía, I.; Baines, D. et al.


[48] The ODYSSEUS Survey. Motivation and First Results: Accretion, Ejection, and Disk Irradiation of CVSO 109 2022, AJ, 163, 114. Espaillat, C.C.; Herczeg, G.J.; Thanathibodee, T.; Pittman, C.; Calvet, N. et al.


[47] The first interferometric survey in the K-band of massive YSOs. On the hot dust, ionised gas, and binarity at au scales 2021, A&A, 654, A109. Koumpia, E.; de Wit, W.J.; Oudmaijer, R.D.; Frost, A.J.; Lumsden, S. et al.


[46] K-band GRAVITY/VLTI interferometry of "extreme" Herbig Be stars. The size-luminosity relation revisited 2021, A&A, 652, A68. Marcos-Arenal, P., Mendigutía, I.; Koumpia, E., Oudmaijer, R.D., Vioque, M. et al.


[45] H2S observations in young stellar disks in Taurus 2021, A&A, 652, A46. Rivière-Marichalar, P., Fuente, A., Le Gal, R., Arabhavi, A.M., Cazaux, S. et al.  


[44] PENELLOPE: the ESO data legacy program to complement the Hubble UV Legacy Library of Young Stars (ULLYSES) I. Survey presentation and accretion properties of Orion OB1 and σσ-Orionis 2021, A&A, 650, A196. Manara, C.;  Frasca, A.; Venuti, L.; Siwak, M.; Herczeg, G. J. et al.


[43] Homogeneous study of Herbig Ae/Be stars from spectral energy distributions and Gaia EDR3 2021. A&A, 650, A182. Guzmán-Díaz, J.; Mendigutía, I.; Montesinos, B.; Oudmaijer, R.D.; Vioque, M. et al.


[42] Discovery of a jet from the single HAe/Be star HD 100546 2020, A&A, 638, L3. Schneider, P.C.; Dougados, C.; Whelan, E.T.; Eislöffel, J.; Günther, H.M. et al.


[41] Catalogue of new Herbig Ae/Be and classical Be stars. A machine learning approach to Gaia DR2 2020, A&A, 638, A21. Vioque, M.; Oudmaijer, R.D.; Schreiner, M.; Mendigutía, I.; Baines, D. et al.


[40] On the Mass Accretion Rates of Herbig Ae/Be Stars. Magnetospheric Accretion or Boundary Layer? Invited Review Special Issue "Star Formation in the Ultraviolet" (Ed. Jorick Vink). 2020, Galaxies, 8, 39. Mendigutía, I.


[39] The accretion rates and mechanisms of Herbig Ae/Be stars 2020, MNRAS, 493, 234. Wichittanakom, C.; Oudmaijer, R.D.; Fairlamb, J.R.; Mendigutía, I.; Vioque, M.; Ababakr, K.M.


[38] HR 10: A main sequence binary with circumstellar envelopes around both components. Discovery and analysis 2019, A&A, 629, A19. Montesinos, B.; Eiroa, C.; Lillo-Box, J.; Rebollido, I.; Djupvik, A. A. et al. 


​​[37] The potential of Halpha spectro-astrometry to detect forming planets in disks around young stars 2019, Highlights on Spanish Astrophysics X, 359. Mendigutía, I.


[36] Gaia DR2 study of Herbig Ae/Be stars. 2018, A&A, 620, A128. Vioque, M.; Oudmaijer, R. D.; Baines, D.Mendigutía, I.; Pérez-Martínez, R.


[35] Spectro-astrometry of the pre transitional star LkCa 15 does not reveal an accreting planet but extended Hα emission 2018, A&A, 618, L9. Mendigutía, I.; Oudmaijer, R.D; Schneider, P.C.; Huélamo, N.; Baines, D. et al. 


[34] A global correlation linking young stars, clouds, and galaxies. Towards a unified view of star formation. 2018, A&A, 618, A119. Mendigutía, I.; Lada, C. J.; Oudmaijer, R.D.


[33] Searching for Hα emitting sources around MWC 758. SPHERE/ZIMPOL high-contrast imaging. 2018, A&A, 613, L5. Huélamo, N.; Chauvin, G.; Schmid, H.M.; Quanz, S.; Whelan, E. et al.


[32] Infall and Outflow Motions towards a Sample of Massive Star Forming Regions from the RMS Survey. 2018, MNRAS, 477, 2455. Cunningham, N.; Lumsden, S.; Moore, T.; Maud, L.; Mendigutía, I.


[31]  The protoplanetary system HD 100546 in Hα polarized light from SPHERE/ZIMPOL. A bar-like structure across the disk gap? 2017, A&A, 608, A104. Mendigutía, I., Oudmaijer, R.D., Garufi, A., Lumsden, S. L., Huélamo, N. et al. 


[30] Medium-resolution near-infrared spectroscopy of massive young stellar objects. 2017, MNRAS, 472, 3624. Pomohaci, R., Oudmaijer, R.D., Lumsden, S.L., Hoare, M.G., Mendigutía, I. 


[29] A spectroscopic survey of Herbig Ae/Be stars with X-Shooter - II. Accretion diagnostic lines. 2017, MNRAS, 464, 4721. Fairlamb, J.R., Oudmaijer, R.D., Mendigutía, I., Ilee, J.D., van den Ancker, M.E. 


[28] The compact Hα emitting regions of the Herbig Ae/Be stars HD 179218 and HD 141569 from CHARA spectro-interferometry. 2017, MNRAS, 464, 1984. Mendigutía, I., Oudmaijer, R.D., Mourard, D., Muzerolle, J. 


[27] A `Rosetta Stone' for Protoplanetary Disks: The Synergy of Multi-Wavelength Observations. 2016, PASA, 33, 59. Sicilia-Aguilar, A., Banzatti, A., Carmona, A., Stolker, T., Kama, M. et al. 


[26] The far-IR behaviour of Herbig Ae/Be discs: Herschel PACS photometry. 2016, A&A, 586, A6. Pascual, N., Montesinos, B., Meeus, G., Marshall, J.P., Mendigutía, I. et al. 


[25] High-resolution Br γ spectro-interferometry of the transitional Herbig Ae/Be star HD 100546: a Keplerian gaseous disc inside the inner rim. 2015, MNRAS, 453, 2126. Mendigutía, I., de Wit, W.J., Oudmaijer, R.D., Fairlamb, J.R., Carciofi, A. et al. 


[24] A spectroscopic survey of Herbig Ae/Be stars with X-shooter - I. Stellar parameters and accretion rates. 2015, MNRAS, 453, 976. Fairlamb, J.R., Oudmaijer, R.D., Mendigutía, I., Ilee, J.D., van den Ancker, M.E.


[23] On the origin of the correlations between the accretion luminosity and emission line luminosities in pre-main-sequence stars. 2015, MNRAS, 452, 2837. Mendigutía, I., Oudmaijer, R.D., Rigliaco, E., Fairlamb, J.R., Calvet, N. et al. 


[22] Probing Stellar Accretion with Mid-infrared Hydrogen Lines. 2015, ApJ, 801, 31. Rigliaco, E., Pascucci, I. Duchene, G., Edwards, S., Ardila, et al.


[21] Investigating the inner discs of Herbig Ae/Be stars with CO bandhead and Br γ emission. 2014, MNRAS, 445, 3723. Ilee, J., Fairlamb, J., Oudmaijer, R.D., Mendigutía, I., van den Ancker, M.E. et al.


[20] Stellar parameters and accretion rate of the planet-forming candidate HD 142527 from X-Shooter. 2014, ApJ, 790, 21. Mendigutía, I., Fairlamb, J., Montesinos, B., Oudmaijer, R.D., Najita, J. et al.


[19] Gas and dust in the Beta Pictoris Moving Group as seen by the Herschel Space Observatory. 2014, A&A, 565, A68. Riviere-Marichalar, P., Barrado, D., Montesinos, B., Duchene, G., Bouy, H. et al.


[18] Relating jet structure to photometric variability: the Herbig Ae star HD 163296. 2014, A&A, 563, A87. Ellerbroek, L.E., Podio, L., Dougados, C., Cabrit, S., Sitko, M.L. et al.


[17] Gas lines from the 5 Myr old optically thin disk around HD141569A. Herschel observations and modelling. 2014, A&A, 561, A50. Thi, W.F., Pinte, C., Pantin, E., Augereau, J.C., Meeus, G. et al.


[16] Accretion variability of Herbig Ae/Be stars observed with X-Shooter: HD 31648 and HD 163296. 2013, ApJ, 776, 44. Mendigutía, I., Brittain, S., Eiroa, C., Meeus, G., Montesinos, B. et al.


[15] Nature of the gas and dust around 51 Ophiuchi. Modelling continuum and Herschel line observations. 2013, A&A, 557, A111. Thi, W.F., Ménard, F., Meeus, G., Carmona, A., Riviere-Marichalar, P. et al.


[14] GASPS - a Herschel survey of gas and dust in Protoplanetary Disks: Summary and Initial Statistics. 2013, PASP, 125, 477. Dent, W.R.F., Thi, W.F., Kamp, I., Williams, J. P., Ménard, F. et al.


[13] Comparison between accretion-related properties of Herbig Ae/Be and T Tauri stars. 2013, AN, 334, 129. Mendigutía, I.


[12] HD 172555: detection of 63 μm [OI] emission in a debris disc. 2012, A&A, 546, L8. Riviere-Marichalar, P.; Barrado, D.; Augereau, J:-C; Thi, W.F.; Roberge, A. et al.


[11] Observations of Herbig Ae/Be stars with Herschel/PACS. The atomic and molecular contents of their protoplanetary discs. 2012, A&A, 544, A78. Meeus, G., Montesinos, B., Mendigutía, I., Kamp, I., Thi, W.F. et al.


[10] Accretion-related properties of Herbig Ae/Be stars. Comparison with T Tauris. 2012, A&A, 543, A59. Mendigutía, I., Mora, A., Montesinos, B., Eiroa, C., Meeus, G. et al. 


[9] Detection of warm water vapour in Taurus protoplanetary discs by Herschel. 2012, A&A, 538, L3. Riviere-Marichalar, P., Ménard, F., Thi, W.F., Kamp, I., Montesinos, B. et al.


[8] Gas modelling in the disc of HD 163296. 2012, A&A, 538, A20. Tilling, I., Woitke, P., Meeus, G., Mora, A., Montesinos, B. et al.


[7] Accretion rates and accretion tracers of Herbig Ae/Be stars. 2011, A&A, 535, A99. Mendigutía, I., Calvet, N., Montesinos, B., Mora, A., Muzerolle, J. et al.


[6] Optical spectroscopic variability of Herbig Ae/Be stars. 2011, A&A, 529, A34. Mendigutía, I., Eiroa, C., Montesinos, B., Mora, A., Oudmaijer, R.D. et al.


[5] GAS in Protoplanetary Systems (GASPS). I. First results. 2010, A&A, 518, L127. Mathews, G.S., Dent, W.R.F., Williams, J.P., Howard, C.D., Meeus, G. et al.


[4] The Herschel view of GAS in Protoplanetary Systems (GASPS). First comparisons with a large grid of models. 2010, A&A, 518, L12. Pinte, C., Woitke, P., Ménard, F., Duchêne, G., Kamp, I. et al.


[3] Herschel-PACS observation of the 10 Myr old T Tauri disk TW Hya. Constraining the disk gas mass. 2010, A&A, 518, L125. Thi, W.-F., Mathews, G., Ménard, F., Woitke, P., Meeus, G. et al.


[2] Gas in the protoplanetary disc of HD 169142: Herschel's view. 2010, A&A, 518, L124. Meeus, G., Pinte, C., Woitke, P., Montesinos, B., Mendigutía, I. et al.


[1] Optical Spectroscopic Monitoring of Pre-Main Sequence Stars: The UXOr Sub-Sample. 2010, Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics V, 14, 425. Mendigutía, I., Montesinos, B., Eiroa, C.; Mora, A.



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