Summary CV
Ph.D. "Cum Laude" Physics (2012, Jan). Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
M.A. Astrophysics (2008). Universidad Complutense de Madrid & Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
B.A. Physics. Astrophysics branch (2006). Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Work experience:
2021-Currently "Ramón y Cajal" Senior Fellow. Centro de Astrobiologia/CSIC-INTA (Madrid, Spain).
2017-2021: "CAM-Atracción de Talento" Senior Fellow. Centro de Astrobiologia/CSIC-INTA (Madrid, Spain).
2014-2017: Post-Doctoral Fellow. University of Leeds (Leeds, UK).
2012-2013: Post-Doctoral Fellow. Clemson University (Clemson, SC, USA).
2011-2012: Research project, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Madrid, Spain).
2010 (March-May): Pre-doctoral stay funded by STScI/NASA. Space Telescope Science Institute (Baltimore, MD, USA)
2009-2010: Research Contract, Centro de Astrobiologia/CSIC-INTA (Madrid, Spain).
2007-2008: Graduate research “Calvo-Rodés” grant, LAEFF, INTA-CSIC (Madrid, Spain).
2006: Pre-Graduate trainee at the European Space Astronomy Centre (ESA-ESAC, Madrid, Spain).
Memberships and Awards:
Member of the International Astronomical Union (IAU)
Member of the European Astronomical Society (EAS)
Member of the Spanish Astronomical Society (SEA)
Member of the European Astrobiology Institute (EAI)
Member of the ESA-ESAC and CAB Faculties.
Finalist (2nd place) for the best Spanish PhD thesis in Astrophysics (2012 award by SEA).
Nominated by SEA for the “best European PhD thesis” (MERAC prize 2014, award by the European Astronomical Society).
Referee for several journals including “Astrophysical Journal”, "Astronomy & Astrophysics" and "Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society"
External referee for ERC Starting Grant and Chilean "FONDECYT" grants
Panel member for ESO and Canary Islands Observatories, STFC and NASA
​Student supervision and teaching:
2024- Currently PhD Thesis Supervisor. Lucía Fullana-García. Centro de Astrobiología/Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
2019-Currently “Star and planet formation”. Master in fundamental physics and Astrophysics. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
2023-2024 Master Thesis Supervisor. Jiaqi Wang. "Towards the detection of exoplanets around intermediate-mass, main-sequence stars". Centro de Astrobiología/Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
2018-2023 PhD Thesis Supervisor. Jorge Guzmán-Díaz. "Herbig Ae/Be systems: stars, disks, and star-disk interactions". Centro de Astrobiología/Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
2022-2023 Master Thesis Supervisor. Adrián Meléndez. "Analysis of high precision light curves of young stars with protoplanetary disks". Centro de Astrobiología/Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
2022 Master Thesis Co-Supervisor. Paula BrcÌŒic. "Spectro-astrometry with MEGARA/GTC: a pilot study to search for protoplanets". Centro de Astrobiología/University of Split (Croatia)
2021-2022 Master Thesis Supervisor. Víctor de la Fuente. "Looking for planets in formation around young stars". Centro de Astrobiología/Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
2018 "Radiative Processes". Master in fundamental physics and Astrophysics. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
2016 “Advanced laboratory in nebular spectroscopy”. University of Leeds, Leeds, UK.
2016 Summer Project Co-Supervisor. Charles Harries. “Spectroscopic signatures of infall and outflows in Herbig Ae/Be stars”. University of Leeds, Leeds, UK.
2015-2016. Master Thesis Supervisor. Alexander Wood. “Accretion monitoring of Herbig Ae/Be stars over a rotation period: Towards a better understanding of the accretion paradigm”. University of Leeds, Leeds, UK.
2015-2016. “Workshops on galactic rotation curves”. University of Leeds, Leeds, UK.
2014-2015. Master Thesis Supervisor. James Cooney & Daniel Sacre. “Dust evolution in protoplanetary disks around intermediate-mass stars.”. University of Leeds, Leeds, UK.
2013. “Seminars on star formation”. Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA